What Is Registered Massage Therapy?

registered massage therapy Mission massage therapistRegistered Massage Therapists (RMT’s) in British Columbia are health care professionals dedicated to restoring and maintaining optimal health and pain-free function of the body. The practice of Massage Therapy is the assessment and treatment of the soft tissues and joints. RMT’s work to treat and prevent musculoskeletal dysfunction, injury, and pain through manipulation to develop, maintain, rehabilitate or augment physical function.

RMT’s use a variety of approaches to treatment and there are many techniques that can be used including massage and manual therapy, joint mobilization, hydrotherapy, and corrective exercise such as stretching, strengthening, postural exercise and patient education. Thorough assessments and orthopedic tests assist the therapist to choose the appropriate techniques based on each individual case.

  • Relieve or prevent physical dysfunction and pain
  • Develop, maintain, rehabilitate or augment physical function
  • Relax tight and tense muscles
  • Improve circulation and immune system function
  • Reduce overall stress

What to Expect

Mission Massage TherapyIf this is your first Registered Massage Therapy visit at Evoke Wellness Centre, you’ll be asked to complete a confidential intake form. Your Registered Massage Therapist will then conduct a brief history and assessment to get a better understanding of your physical condition. This is to rule out any risks for adverse effects to massage therapy and to determine the most appropriate treatment plan to provide you with the best outcome possible. Your treatment will follow, only with your understanding and consent, for the remainder of the duration of your appointment time. We recommend your initial visit be a 60 minute appointment in order to get the most out of your time with your Registered Massage Therapist.

Treatment may include a variety of Swedish techniques, joint mobilizations, lymph drainage, myofascial release, hydrotherapy, trigger point release and stretching and strengthening applications. To avoid future injuries your Massage Therapist can prescribe specific exercises, give postural recommendations, and explain the mechanism of injury so that it may be avoided in the future.

  • Common Conditions Treated
    • General muscle pain & tension
    • Headaches
    • Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ)
    • Anxiety & depression
    • Whiplash
    • Tendonitis
    • Rotator cuff injuries
    • Tennis & golfer’s elbow
    • Carpal tunnel syndrome
    • Bursitis
    • Iliotibial band syndrome
    • Plantar gasciitis
    • Repetitive strain injuries
    • Ergonomics
    • Postural concerns
    • And many other health conditions.
  • Rates
    • $85 / 30 Minutes
    • $105 / 45 Minutes
    • $125 / 60 Minutes
  • MSP Coverage

    MSP subsidizes a portion of your treatment costs if you are on the Premium Assistance Plan. Chiropractic care can be billed to MSP directly. Evoke Wellness Centre is otherwise opted out and therefore does not bill MSP directly. Full payment for the visit will be taken at the time of service. Evoke Wellness will help complete the proper forms which you can then submit to MSP. Currently MSP will cover $23.00 per treatment. If you qualify, you are entitled to 10 combined visits for all qualifying services within that calendar year.

  • ICBC Coverage

    Evoke Wellness Centre will bill ICBC directly for a portion of the treatment costs. The patient will be responsible for their portion at the time of service. Depending on the circumstances of the accident, ICBC often reimburses the patient for their portion. Please inquire with your adjustor. At your initial visit we require you to bring your care card, your adjustor’s name and your claim number.

  • Extended Health Care Coverage

    The majority of extended health care plans cover Chiropractic, Naturopathic, and Registered Massage Therapy treatments. If you have an extended health care plan you must check with them directly to find out what your plan covers for reimbursement for services. Evoke Wellness Centre now offers direct billing of the following extended health care plans: Blue Cross, Chamber of Commerce, Cowan, Great West Life, Johnson, Johnston Group, Manulife, Maximum Benefit and Sun Life. If your insurance company does not offer direct billing full payment for your treatment will be taken at the time of service. You will be issued receipts which you can then submit to your extended health care company for reimbursement.