Cosmetic neuromodulators (botox)

As we age, the muscles that create facial expressions cause wrinkles to form and deepen.  These lines and wrinkles can change the way we look and how others perceive how we feel. By injecting small quantities of neuromodulators into specific overactive muscles, we can get localized muscle relaxation that smooths the overlying skin and reduces wrinkles.  The use of these treatments is proven very safe and has been used for over 30 years in aesthetic medicine.

Whether you are looking to start or continue treatment, we will respectfully address your concerns in line with your aesthetic vision and goals.


What is a neuromodulator?

The neuromodulator used is Health Canada approved Botulinum A toxin, a purified protein produced by the Clostridium botulinum bacterium.  Botulinum A toxin acts on the neuromuscular junction to cause temporary muscle relaxation and thus creates a desired cosmetic smoothing of the skin.

How much does it cost

The cost depends on the area treated and the desired effect. We will work with your budget and customize the treatment to suit your needs and goals.

Will I see results right away?

It usually takes about 3-4 days before you would start to notice effect of the treatment. It often takes 2 weeks to take full effect.  This is why we book the following touch-up appointment 2 weeks after treatment.

How long do neuromodulators last for?

Re-treatment of the area with a neuromodulator is recommended when the effect has reduced by about 80-100%, which happens usually every 3-4 months.

If you’re ready to get started with Botox, give us a call at [604] 287-3865 to get started today!