Matilda Nilsson
Matilda Nilsson | Reflexology Therapist
Matilda Nilsson is a Reflexology Therapist, registered through the Reflexology Association of Canada (RAC). She has been in private practice since 2010. She also teaches classes and workshops on reflexology and foot fitness, and is a RAC examiner for students of reflexology.
Matilda is also a certified manual lymphatic drainage practitioner since April of 2021. Her passion for this therapy arose as she witnessed a growing need for relief from inflammation, water retention, fatigue, headaches, and brain fog. She also recognized the need for a gentle and soothing treatment to nurture an often over stimulated nervous system.
Matilda grew up in Sweden, and moved to Canada in 2006. She stays happy and healthy through hiking, running and yoga, and makes sure to spare time for her various art projects. Matilda is also trained in various forms of massage, energy medicine, HeartMath and functional breathing. She is adamant about staying current in her field and constantly growing as a health practitioner.